CFM Solutions is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all our employees, clients and their customers within the workplace and developments through-out the UK
We observe and adhere to government guidelines to operate and establish, how we can ensure our work places are safe for all our employees, clients and customers alike.
We have conducted rigorous assessment of the COVID-19 related risks arising out of or in connection with our work environment and put measures in place to mitigate them. As a responsible company, we have also chosen to put in place a range of other measures that we consider responsible in these circumstances.
Our Risk Management team will continue to review arrangements regularly to ensure that they reflect current Government advice and other changing circumstances. Also, CFM will continue to consult and work with our employees and other organisations to safeguard all those who work in or visit developments we provide services to.
CFM will endeavour to follow all of the applicable guidance. Where it is not reasonably practicable to implement a recommendation in the guidance, as part of our risk assessment process, we will implement an equally effective measure.
Our starting point is that employees who can work from home continue to do so and are supported to do this safely. For those employees not able to work from home, and for our clients and their visitors, we have completed a risk assessment specifically to address the risks arising from COVID-19.
Whilst each site has its own risk assessment and CFM has prepared a number of other risk assessments and guidance documents to support these, there are a number of control measures which are to be implemented across all developments. These include, but are not limited to:
Covid -19 awareness training will be implemented and provided to all staff using a combination of video calls, briefings and guidance.
We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home where it’s practicable for their role.
Only essential staff and contractors are to attend developments.
Increased frequency of general and surface cleaning in all areas.
Regular handwashing to be encouraged, and handwashing and sanitiser stations will be made available.
Where necessary and in enclosed spaces masks are to be worn to reduce the chance of transmission.
All reasonable efforts are to be taken to comply with the social distancing guidelines. We have engaged social distance champions to advise/remind employees and clients about the need to maintain a 2m distance. Floor markings and posters where possible will be used to assist with social distancing signage.
Where practicable we have reconfigured our workspace to assist in social distancing.
Access into lifts and toilets will be restricted.
Where stairs are to be used, we have introduced a number of measures so people can pass safely.
We have revised our staff catering and welfare facilities to assist with social distancing with all staff encouraged to bring their own crockery and utensils.
Additional support to those members of staff who are especially vulnerable to COVID-19.
Should there be any instance of a confirmed case of COVID-19, a system is in place to isolate/close down the area concerned to arrange a deep clean.
Where social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in relation to a particular activity, as part of the risk assessment process, we have considered whether that activity needs to continue for our business to operate. If it does, we will take mitigating actions to reduce the risks of transmission.
Adequate control measures will be in continual review in accordance with the latest government advice and guidance.
Ongoing Review
All our risk assessments and control measures will remain under constant review, alongside any updates to the Government and HSE guidance.
CFM staff will be provided with regular updates and any necessary training in relation to the control measures to be implemented and we will continue to work with our staff, contractors and clients to find further ways in which we can make improvements to the way we are managing the risks of COVID-19.