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Modern Slavery Policy 

This statement is made in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps that we have taken to identify and reduce the risk of modern slavery occurring within CFM Solutions business operations.


Commitment & Approach

CFM is committed to the respect of human rights and the continued development of an ethical and sustainable business model. Our commitment to the improvement of industry standards, provision of fair and diverse employment opportunities actively creates secure and tenable communities throughout our

project divisions.


Everyone at CFM, whether a director or frontline manager has a responsibility to respect and protect the human rights of the company’s employees, the people in our care, and those that live and work in the communities in which we work.


Any human rights abuse is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

We are fully committed to improving our systems and sharing best practice to help ensure that modern slavery and other human rights violations do not occur in any of CFM’s business operations.

We understand the challenge in identifying modern slavery and human trafficking risks/ practices, to ensure complete compliance all processes must be continually reviewed to negate any such occurrence.


We are a proactive company and we continually look outwards and dedicate best practice to continue and develop progress made. We always seek new ways to enhance protection of workers within our company.


At CFM, we utilise a range of informative resource and liaise with modern slavery action groups to help identify potential areas that may vulnerable to exploitation in delivery of service. This minimises potential modern slavery risk areas.



CFM is an innovative facilities management company that offers a wide range of services under one umbrella. We are comprised of committed experts with a trusted long-standing reputation for high standard and excellence in the delivery of solutions management. We specialise in the provision of security and related services to a diverse range of customers throughout the UK.


Supplier Code of Conduct

We strictly prohibit the use of modern slavery in CFM’s supply chain and accept the shared responsibility with our suppliers to operate in an ethical way. We respect international human rights standards, including the prohibition of forced or coerced labour.


Affiliates support and adhere to all legislation and codes of conduct as monitored by CFM’s operations, with a broad range of services. This includes uniforms, technology, professional services and equipment.


CFM’s requirements and expectations with respect to key areas of responsible procurement, including the prevention of modern slavery and human rights violations are set out in this statement.

All suppliers to CFM are expected to comply with the principles set out in the Supplier Code or to commit to a clear timeline for full implementation within their own organisation, as well as their associated suppliers and subcontractors. To help ensure that these principles are met, we continue engagement with suppliers.



CFM teams at all levels receive regular briefings on modern slavery to help build an understanding of issues and awareness of the risk within all divisions. Alongside these briefings, wider communications have been issued by senior management to employees about modern slavery across the board outlining CFM’s commitments and our explicit expectation.


Failure to comply or contravene in any way would result in terms and agreements as laid out in contract up for immediate review with a view for termination. To avoid such recourse a detailed remedial action plan in order to continue doing business with CFM would be reviewed and assessed.


CFM Solutions is a progressive and communicative company we actively encourage all staff to speak out and report any issues without fear of retaliation and reprisal.


All those raising concerns in good faith will be taken seriously and treated with the utmost respect. We encourage feedback and systems are in place whereby opinions can be heard and issues are always addressed.

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